Political Parties Not Utilizing MK Decision 60 Proof of Non-Aspirational Nature
For instance, the Jakarta gubernatorial election is only participated by two candidate pairs from political parties, although there are 8 ...
For instance, the Jakarta gubernatorial election is only participated by two candidate pairs from political parties, although there are 8 ...
Tampaknya aura politik Anies akan terus menyala nyalang tak terkirakan dalam menyuarakan suara perubahan
"I hope it wont be too long before we can implement concrete steps to accommodate a movement that is growing ...
"He says this because he is well acquainted with Anies Baswedan, especially since they both studied in the United States ...
If there is a target that Anies will fade by the 2029 Presidential Election, he said, what actually happens is ...
Kecewa penjegalan Anies maju di Pilkada, aktivis masyarakat Tanjung Priok mulai gagas pendirian partai lokal.
Leadership is not about titles or positions. It's about one life influencing another. John C. Maxwell
Considering Anies Baswedan's political journey so far, he clearly meets the stature required for a political party. Not only has ...
Maka momen pilkada serentak 2024 ini, seharusnya menjadi ajang semua elite dan politisi di Indonesia, untuk menguatkan kembali komitmen bernegara ...
Warga Jakarta sudah tahu bahwa apa yang terjadi pada Anies Baswedan adalah konspirasi penjegalan maju di Pilkada.