JAKARTA | KBA After various dynamics, Anies Rasyid Baswedan is confirmed not to participate in the 2024 simultaneous local elections, both in the Jakarta gubernatorial and West Java gubernatorial elections, which had also been speculated before.
Although outside the government, the former Governor of Jakarta and candidate in the 2024 presidential election is believed to continue contributing to Indonesia’s progress. Because Anies is indeed a nationalist who deeply loves this country.
“He will continue to work to improve Indonesian politics, democracy in Indonesia, and the economy. That is indeed his expertise. His position as a national figure will also have an increasingly significant impact later,” explained senior activist and academician Andy Azisi Amin to KBA News yesterday.
“I see that he will still have a role in the national political stage to improve the quality of Indonesian democracy. Quality democracy is very important for becoming a prosperous country,” added this economist, a graduate of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
“We will not become Golden Indonesia 2045, a just and prosperous advanced Indonesia in 2045 without improving the quality of democracy, without improving law enforcement, without returning the tracks of bureaucracy to be based on meritocracy,” he emphasized again.
He says this because he is well acquainted with Anies Baswedan, especially since they both studied in the United States in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Moreover, he noted that upon returning from the US, Anies also made various innovations before entering government.
Not only focused on improving the quality of democracy and eradicating corruption, Anies also has a concern for enhancing the quality of human resources in Indonesia. The Minister of Education and Culture from 2014-2016 is closely associated with community empowerment movements.
“So that is indeed his expertise. Like (founding) Indonesia Mengajar, Hands On. He has a long track record, also as the Rector of Paramadina,” said Andy, who was active with Anies in the Indonesian Muslim Society in America (IMSA) while in the US.
Thus, added the Chairman of the Alumni Association of the University of Indonesia (ILUNI) 2016-2019, Anies will be able to strengthen the civil society movement, or civil society, from outside the government. According to him, a strong civil society is also a prerequisite for Indonesia to become a developed country.
“(Anies and the elected president Prabowo Subianto) can complement each other. One inside the government, one outside the government,” concluded Andy Azisi Amin.
Anies himself has confirmed that he will continue to champion the spirit of change after it was confirmed that he would not run in the 2024 local elections as stated in a video titled “Aniess Notes Post-Presidential Election and Local Election 2024” uploaded on his YouTube channel, Friday, August 30, 2024.
He even plans to establish a civil organization or party that will serve as a vessel for all those with a spirit of change.
“To gather all the spirits of change, which are increasingly felt as a significant force, a movement is necessary, so building a civil organization or establishing a new party might be the path we will take,” said Anies. (kba)
Based on Track Record, Anies Will Strengthen Democracy from Outside the Government
Anies Baswedan saat Ngopi Pagi di Car Free Day Bundaran HI, Jakarta. (Foto: Facebook Anies Baswedan)
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