JAKARTA | KBA Anies Baswedan believes that the political system and democracy in Indonesia are still very fragile. This is evident from the political and legal processes related to the 2024 Local Head Election (Pilkada).
He plans to continue striving to raise political and democratic awareness in Indonesia.
“So, another note I felt during this entire process is that it reveals our political system, our democracy, is still very fragile,” Anies said through his YouTube broadcast as quoted by KBA News, in South Jakarta, Thursday, August 30, 2024.
Anies acknowledges that this homework needs to be completed so that democracy can function correctly and well in Indonesia, thereby benefiting all Indonesian people.
“We have homework to encourage all citizens to have a better understanding of the political process, about the democratic process. So that our democracy can function correctly, function well, and the results are felt by all the people, this is a personal challenge,” he added.
The Governor of Jakarta from 2017-2022 expressed that this issue is not simple. But everyone must work hard and always fight together to resolve it without stopping.
“And it’s not something simple, but we have to work hard and I think we should not stop here. Therefore, one of the major goals to be fought for in the future is to increase the political and democratic awareness of Indonesia,” Anies added.
He also encouraged initiatives and community social movements to continue growing.
“Helping to push so that initiatives, community social movements can grow and develop, especially among young people. As has been done before, like Humanis, Change Together, Hands On, and others,” he concluded. (kba)
Anies Baswedan: Democracy Still Fragile, Needs Joint Guardianship
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